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The Q&A With Richard Warke, Founder Of Augusta Group Of Companies

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Canadian mining executive Richard Warke has spent the better part of three decades as a leader in the international resource sector. Richard Warke is the founder of the Augusta Group of Companies, a conglomerate of businesses comprised of public companies in the mining and resource space which includes Titan Mining Corp. and Armor Minerals Inc. He is an experienced and well-respected leader in the industry with a successful and long-term track record of landing lucrative deals for investors.

Q: Your colleagues have said that you stand out as a mining leader because of your instincts and willingness to take risks, where others may hold back. What would you equate your success with after almost 30 years in the mining industry?

Richard Warke: It’s flattering, but I think experience has a lot to do with it. I’ve been at this for a long time. That, and you have to be able to take those risks without looking back. It is about understanding the implications of dips in commodity prices and how to wait them out. By doing that, I’ve avoided the traps that have hurt other junior companies. It’s also about utilizing a combination of skills and instincts and putting them together to try to create growth for your investors.

Q: You’ve led over $4.5 billion worth of companies in the international resource sector that certainly has attracted investors. What is the secret ingredient to a successful deal?

Richard Warke: In the resource business, you have to recognize value and be able to create value for your investors. For good or bad, luck also has a lot to do with it. While being smart and strategic can lead you to promising discoveries, luck and timing play into being able to develop a project in a way that coincides with the right price environment. In addition, it’s important to have the right team behind you. I attribute much of our success to my dedicated, knowledgeable and skilled management team.

Q: It seems both smarts and luck were showcased in your ventures with Ventana Gold and Arizona Mining. Tell us about the sale of Arizona Mining. What led you to the decision?

Richard Warke: When we purchased Arizona Mining, we took a risk. One that fortunately paid off. We explored and discovered the zinc, lead and silver mine on the U.S.-Mexico and grew it to one of the five largest base metal mines in the world. And that was during a bear market for zinc prices. The decision to sell was a tough call and was based upon the sliding prices of those metals combined with trade tensions and and an uncertain outlook on global economic growth. The cash offer was very compelling, with much less risk. It goes back to timing and recognizing an opportunity and then jumping on that opportunity without hesitation.

Q: You are in the process of exploring the Tethyan Metallogenic Belt in Eastern Europe and recently announced the complement of arrangement for the redomiciling of Tethyan Resources to British Columbia, Canada. Tell us more about what this means for Tethyan Resources and your stakeholders.

Richard Warke: Sure. Redomiciling Tethyan Resources, which was originally domiciled in England in Wales, will better position us to realize our strategic goals. We’ve identified the Canadian capital markets as having numerous publicly-listed mineral exploration companies and investors who are familiar with mining and mineral exploration, providing access to capital. Tethyan Resource, which is a member of the Augusta Group of Companies, is a precious and base metals mineral exploration company focused on the Tethyan Metallogenic Belt in Eastern Europe, mainly Serbia, where it is acquiring and exploring a portfolio of quality precious and base metals projects with known mineralization and compelling drill targets. Redomiciling the company to Canada is consistent with our expanding international shareholder base.

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