Below is our recent interview with Ferdinand van der Neut, CEO of Fruit Fly Ninja:
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to Fruit Fly Ninja?
A: Pest control products can pollute the environment quite heavily. Fruit Fly Ninja specializes in a responsible manner to combat the nuisance caused by insects, such as fruit flies, silverfish and plant flies. We do this by offering eco-friendly retail products that will make both retailers and consumers happy.
According to our customers, our Ninjas excel in effectiveness, ease of use and environmental friendliness.
Our product range of ninjas is expanding steadily. We are supported on this challenging mission by, among others, Wageningen University & Research as a knowledge institute and by the many market players who not only embrace the business case but also the impact we have together by combating nuisance from insects in a responsible manner.
Q: What types of products do you offer to your clients?
A: Small, convenient eco pest control products that actually work for households. Lots of bugs and insects crawl or fly into people’s home and infest, breed and cause nuisances or even threat public health. Our solutions try to stop this without compromising nature.
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Q: You’ve recently partnered with Dutch university to reduce fruit flies; could you tell us something more?
A: The co-operation is aimed to green pest control in general, not fruit flies in particular. Main areas of interest now are ants, mice and rats, for which lots of toxics and polluting products are being used, while governments all over the globe try to cut down this usage of chemicals. The University is – with its number 1 position worldwide – one of our main sources of cutting edge insights on innovation and research and is accelerating us towards a worldwide green impact on pest control.
Q: What makes Australia an interesting market for your company?
A: Australian insects really love our products, and so do the local households :) We’ve discovered that our products work extremely well down under, and insect life can be very seasonal which makes our company seasonal too, so far… To ensure that we keep having a fun and exciting company all year round we want to be present in Australia because their high-season is in the European low-season. We already sell through multiple Mitre 10 and IGA stores. Furthermore, by adding the Ozzie season to our company we learn twice as fast since we do two season in a year then!
Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: We want to develop Ninjas for any pest that you can think of, not just limited to insects, and bring this anywhere where there is a need for it. Because of our ecological approach, we believe we will have a great positive impact on the planet.
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