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Utah Judge Expunges All Charges Against Former Entropic CEO, Patrick Henry

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A Utah judge has expunged all charges against Patrick Henry, the former CEO of Entropic Communications. The original charges related to a 2014 incident where Mr. Henry was accused on misdemeanor assault and two other charges. Prior to a court hearing, all charges were reduced from misdemeanors to infractions. At the time of the original hearing in June 2014, the judge dismissed two of the charges and fined Mr. Henry $400 for the third infraction.

According to court documents, a hearing was held on August 14, 2018, and notice of which was served on all parties and at which the court considered the pleading and evidence presented by the parties. The judge in Summit County, Utah, Shauna Kerr, the same judge that presided over the original hearing, ordered the records of Patrick Henry’s arrest, investigation and detention in the case to be expunged.

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