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Venus Concept Delivers The First And Only Subscription Based Business Model In The Industry

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Venus Concept is a global leader in the medical aesthetic device industry, offering the most in-demand non-invasive treatment solutions, and the first and only subscription based business model in the industry. To learn more about the company we sat down with Chairman, CEO, and Co-Founder, Domenic Serafino:

Domenic Serafino

Q: What makes Venus Concept different?

A: I think what makes Venus Concept different from our competitors is that we’ve taken a holistic approach to how to deal with our customers. Doctors and patients are looking for painless and non-invasive solutions. They want to feel refreshed and rejuvenated, and that’s what Venus Concept is able to deliver from the patient’s perspective. From a doctor’s perspective, it is very important that they know that the technology they use is safe, affordable, and easy to use, given that most procedures are typically delegated to nurses and other aesthetic service providers.

I think it is also really important to understand that physicians struggle every day trying to augment their income. It’s critical to give physicians the ability to provide these services in a very cost-effective manner. How do we do that? We do that by offering a unique and industry-leading complete subscription model for our customers with seamless upgrades to new technology whenever they feel it is necessary in their particular practice.

When you look at our entire program, not only do we provide technologies that treat patients’ top concerns, but we do it in a comfortable and non-invasive way. We’re also making sure that our customers, the physicians, understand that Venus Concept is joined at the shoulder with them in providing true global business, clinical, technical, and marketing support.

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Q: Please tell us a little about the technology behind Venus Concept?

A: For us, it all comes down to providing technologies to treat the most in-demand treatments by the consumer. If you’re able to provide pain-free solutions that don’t come with long, difficult recovery times, then patients with comply with treatment protocols which means they will be able to get the best possible clinical outcomes, and they’re more likely to refer their friends.

Venus Concept devices are powered by a range of different core technologies, and in every case, we’ve made an effort to really improve upon what’s already out there, to make these treatments more comfortable and more effective. We’ve even taken a hard look at technology like lasers for hair removal, and thought about how we could make the experience quicker and easier for both physicians and patients. For example, our Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) devices use SmartPulse™ technology, which ensures that the light we deliver is consistent and precise throughout treatments — that makes for more reliable clinical outcomes and shorter treatment times. Our skin resurfacing devices use a technology that we call NanoFractional RF™ that we’ve found significantly shorten downtimes compared any other energy-based device out in the market. We also made it safe for all skin tones, which is a big concern when treating darker complexions. Another key treatment technology is called (MP)2, which is a combination of Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields. Our patented (MP)2 is the technology behind our skin tightening and body contouring treatments.

We’re always trying to innovate and elevate the core technologies of the industry — taking them to the next generation, and always keeping in mind the needs and wants of our customers.

Q: What kinds of treatments do you provide to your clients?

A: Our technologies address the top concerns that patients have in a non-invasive and virtually pain-free way. This includes body treatments like circumferential and cellulite reduction. It also provides hair removal solutions, either with IPL or with our Venus Velocity™ diode laser. Our Venus Versa™, we can treat over 20 different high-demand clinical problems like acne reduction and skin rejuvenation and textural irregularities. Of course, we also provide solutions that reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines, and tighten the appearance of skin. Lastly, we just acquired a company called NeoGraft, that allows our customers to provide hair restoration in a relatively non-invasive manner.

We recently unveiled a new combination therapy, called TriBella, using the Venus Versa™ device, which supports up to ten different applicators in a single platform. TriBella combines photofacial, anti-aging, and skin resurfacing treatments in one session. Just one series of TriBella treatments can do everything from correcting sun damage, improving uneven pigmentation, fading wrinkles, firming up loose skin, smoothening out textural issues like scars, pores and stretch marks. It’s a complete facial therapy that’s been specially designed for maximum results.

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Q: How exactly does the Venus Legacy™ treatment work?

A: Venus Legacy™ uses our proprietary (MP)2 technology, which combines Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields. This combination provides the most consistent and uniform delivery of heat under the skin’s surface. This process helps to naturally increase collagen and elastin fibers while also shrinking the volume of fat cells. At the same time, an adjustable pulsed suction (called VariPulse™) gently pulls the skin upward, which makes the treatment more comfortable and allows the energy to travel even deeper. This technology is safe for all skin types and it doesn’t require any downtime. Treatments last just 15-30 minutes, and you can go right from a treatment back to your normal daily activities.

Q: What are your plans for the future?

A: One of the things that I can assure you is that Venus Concept will continue to be innovative in terms of how we bring new products and services to the marketplace. The only way that this industry will continue to prosper is for a company to be able to provide the widest assortment of solutions in a non-invasive, pain-free manner, and to broaden audience of potential customers. For Venus Concept, the most important thing that we can provide to our customers is safe technologies that are easy to use, provide predictable and consistent results, all while delivering a high ROI.

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