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WebLeads Helps You Identify What Companies Have Visited Your Website And Provides Their Detailed Contact Information

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WebLeads developed by Fastbase is a lead identification platform that helps its users identify what companies have visited their website and provides detailed information about those companies – contact information, LinkedIn profiles, etc. They utilize the power of Google Analytics along with our massive proprietary database and bring everything together in a WebLeads dashboard for each customer. Below is our recent interview with Kevin Rodgers, CEO at Fastbase:

Q: Kevin, what are main benefits for your users?

A: There are a few key benefits. First, our users are able to see what companies have visited their website in near real-time. This allows for quick action with a potential customer. Second, users can set up “HotLeads”. This allows our customers to call out specific leads based on certain criteria that are flagged within their dashboard. Users can then see the most important leads to them and quickly take action.

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Q: What’s the best thing about WebLeads that people might not know about?

A: Users will look at their Google Analytics dashboard and see that they have a certain number of visitors and they might think that all of those visitors are business prospects. But that is not necessarily the case as people visit websites for a variety of reasons. Our technology, with the use of our database, is able to filter out unidentified visitors (visitors who do not appear to be coming from a business). We then display in our dashboard the qualified visitors that we believe are legitimate prospects. And we still make the unidentified visitors data available to our users but in a separate section of the dashboard. This allows our customers to be more efficient with their time and resources.

Q: Can you tell us something about your recent announcement?

A: We just released the latest version of our WebLeads product, WebLeads 5.0. This release is an exciting development for Fastbase as it was in response to some changes made in Google Analytics. In February of this year Google removed two fields from Google Analytics, network domain and internet service provider. These two fields play a key role in identifying website visitors. So with this change from Google we had to pivot and introduce a script that our customers install on their website(s). This script is able to capture the fields that were removed from Google Analytics. Previous versions of WebLeads only worked for companies that used Google Analytics. Now with the script any company can use WebLeads. WebLeads 5.0 is further enhanced for Google Analytics users but is not a gating factor for use.

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Q: What are your plans for the future?

A: We are moving quickly to continue to add features to WebLeads and to build complimentary products that will further help businesses identify potential customers. Even more so now given the global pandemic businesses of all sizes need to be efficient with their efforts to grow, or even just sustain, their business. We are focused on being able to help these businesses do just that while at the same time laying the foundation for a robust pipeline in a – hopefully soon – post COVID-19 world. We are confident that an investment in WebLeads 5.0 by Fastbase (starting at just $39 USD per month – with a free 30 day trial) will be ROI positive for our customers. Our primary goal is to build long-term relationships with our users while helping them find new customers and drive revenue.

Last Updated on September 6, 2020

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