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Welcome To LGP1, The Gamified GVC Platform Where Esports Meet Reality-TV

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Below is our recent interview with Mr. Marco Prinzi, the Founder and Director at LGP1:

Q: What is LGP1?

A: LGP1 is the gamified GVC platform where Esports meet Reality-TV. A thrilling new way to experience competitive gaming, it allows players to battle remotely with their friends, without losing the excitement and social engagement of a live event. Our audience watches, connects, and plays for free together in a party on our highly interactive platform as they compete for a large cash prize in an open, online Esports tournament.

Q: This is the second time we interview your company regarding the project. What have you changed, and what made you?

A: Indeed, we pivoted from a Reality Show concept to a Gamified Platform. In today’s world reeling from the consequences of lockdowns, quarantines, distancing, and the cancellation of all live events, our target is left with a dire need to connect and engage socially. Not being able to do so in person, everything has shifted online. Events that in the past have gathered hundreds of thousands of people are postponed indefinitely, and the available online versions do not enable the degree of interaction and social engagement that the public wants. COVID has brought considerable disruption to Esports, not only to organisations and companies operating in the space – who are losing millions – but also to the public, who has lost its favourite occasion to connect socially. We believe instead that if channelled properly, Esports can fully embrace a remote model enhanced by interactive engagement with the audience. With LGP1, we leverage this towards filling such void.

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Q: LGP1 integrates a Gaming Video Content platform with a Reality Show; can you tell us something more?

A: LGP1 engages the public with an interactive game-design based on reality show dynamics, while offering unique Multi-POV content that captures all the drama and excitement that otherwise would be missed. The added thrill of direct eliminations based on the secret votes of their own teammates, and the collaborative gameplay interfacing our public, enable us to capitalize on highly engaging video content full of conflict and resolution. Thus, bridging the gap between competitive gaming and the factual-entertainment talent-competition format.

Q: When is the first season expected to start?

A: We expect it to start before the end of this summer, hopefully by August 2021. But these are difficult times. Our priority in any case is to our fans, and delivering them the best product possible, whatever it takes.

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Q: What can we expect from LGP1 in next 6 months? What are your plans?

A: While we finish the development our platform, we focus on establishing a strong community surrounding it. We believe very much in building this project in close contact with our fanbase, which we plan to involve from day-1. We interact with our followers, making them part of the process, and reward them with exclusive access to content, insight, prizes and much more.

Q: What is the best thing about LGP1 that people might not know about?

A: We are developing the project together with some of the greatest names in Esports and Gaming Video Content. Stay tuned for more exciting news concerning our outstanding new partners and the growing team!

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