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ZeroZen Design: Web Design Services For Smarter Business People

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ZeroZen is a web design company that approaches things differently. Rather than a typical 4-6 week turnaround for each project, the company is able to launch websites days after they start on them. This is all because they’ve reconfigured how they work with clients.

Below is our interview with David Bentley, Chief Visionary Officer at ZeroZen Design:


Q: Do you think this unique way of working clients helps you stand out from the competition?

A: Yes, for sure! We use to build websites the same way too. What I noticed most when we switched the model to a more hands-on LIVE collaborative method, was the shortened lead nurturing time. Sometimes web designers have to wait months to get a lead to turn into a client. With our model, they come to the site and book themselves. We often get 1 or 2 new clients per day. I feel that what we’ve done is take all the hurdles out from in front of the client. We make an easier direct path to a website for not a lot of money.

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Q: What type of clients do you build websites for?

A: All types really. We’ve worked with tiny one person operations to fortune 500 companies. We get a lot of service industry clients. People like home improvement professionals and landscapers. We’ve worked with dentists, doctors, financial companies, personal trainers, bloggers. Anyone under the sun it seems.

See, when you create a website, the visitor isn’t expecting a certain type of design based on the company website they are visiting. The preferred layout, look, feel, usability is shaped by the visitors environment. People browse web pages subconsciously, so what we try to do is figure out the subconscious path we want them to take once they arrive.

Q: What are your plans for next 12 months?

A: Big things in store for sure! We are going to be introducing some really awesome products as well as creating some new, proprietary web design software for WordPress. It should be great.

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Q: What is your number one recommendation or “hot tip” for others in your industry?

A: Think outside the box. Steve Jobs wasn’t a great man because he came along and made a better widget that was already around. He molded society to adopt products they didn’t even know they wanted until it was in front of them. you should always be testing, implementing, and testing some more. Don’t get stale because as soon as you do, you’re done. I remember when we use to look at the top 3 sites on Google for some really competitive keywords in our industry. I would think to myself – “one day I’m going to pass them”. Sure enough, we did. Why? They didn’t evolve.

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