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8topuz Delivers Unique AI Based Risk-Managed Trading Software

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8topuz offers unique AI based risk-managed trading software that works by utilizing the vast FX trading market and works only with specific currency pairs.

The founders of 8topuz all have a vast amount of experience in trading and FX and were initially developing risk management tools for their own trading systems.

The idea behind 8topuz is to essentially allow investors to tap into the kind of system that could only be offered by a whole army of high-quality risk managers and traders.

So, imagine being able to invest in an AI automated risk managed system, that is designed to effectively produce a consistent audited ROI of 3-4% per month, meaning non-traders could tap into the power of the 8topuz AI system and benefit from our machine learned risk management algorithms.

Below is our recent interview with Abdoulkader Aden Abdi, Executive Director at 8topuz:

Q: Can you tell us something more about your trading software?

A: The 8topuz solution is automated trading software with the huge added benefit of implementing machine learned historical data points and AI that is embedded into the award winning, risk managed software.

What became apparent after many years was that these risk management tools could stand as the foundation and core of advanced software that would allow investors to mitigate risk on a ‘full cycle trading system’.

For those who do not know what that means, it basically means that with enough margin/capital, in terms of trading capital/opportunity, a number of trades based on currency pairs can be opened and you are able to run a full trading cycle, which is designed to produce an effective ROI of between 3-4% per month.

The risk management part allows the parameters to be set so that the system is well adjusted to fluctuations and with the added option of human intervention when needed. As a result, the whole trading system can be managed in-case of anomalies to typical patterns that the software has learned from masses of historical data in a machine learned environment.

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Q: I read something about your recent partnership with SEED Group; could you tell us something more?

A: For sure as this is extremely exciting news for us here at 8topuz.

As our core clients are typically fund managers, institutions and family offices who deposit $25k or more into a medium to long term investment strategy we had a business agenda to offer our services to the middle east region back in 2018.

On one of our recent trade shows in 2019 in the Dubai region we were approached by SEED Group, a company owned by The Private Office of Sheikh Saeed bin Ahmed Al Maktoum starting our ongoing relationship which eventually, after due diligence, produced the strategic partnership between SEED Group and 8topuz as of February 2020.

Q: Why 8topuz?

A: 8topuz offers a unique product which allows investors to benefit from our advanced AI FinTech software that has been producing consistent 3-4% ROI per month.

Q: What makes you the best choice?

A: In all honesty we are in an enviable position in that we have created our very own alternative investing blue ocean.

So, in terms of choice there really is no other product on the market that offers the same returns or product.

In early 2019, we released an updated version of our product to the marketplace, this current version of our Award-Winning AI FinTech software is called CEPOD V2 and is consistently delivering the kind of ROI that has gained a lot of interest in the investing world.

Q: Can you tell us something more about your AI trading algorithm? How does it work?

A: 8topuz was founded on one core principle, risk management.

So how does risk management end up becoming an award-winning intelligent investment solution?
To tell the story we need to go back to 2012.

This is when two financial visionaries realised that it was an almost impossible task to reliably and consistently apply beneficial risk management principles and strategies to the markets.

As a result, they often said that you would literally need 8 arms to be able to adapt to multiple conditions all at once.

What quickly became apparent was that a technical solution based on software was needed to be able to deliver, analyze and process vast amounts of data at once.

At this point they decided to invest in building a team of developers and financial experts who were challenged with creating an automated risk management system that could reliably deliver consistent results.

Effectively the initial system developed was in fact an intelligent neural network that could analyze historical patterns using millions of data points and the more data we acquired the more precise our system became.

From 2013 as technology advanced, we saw an opportunity to incorporate machine learning, this provides the system the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being programmed.

In 2015 we decided to further enhance the system with the more advanced field of deep learning which imitates the working of a human brain and effectively allows us to intelligently automate the decision-making process, vital to successful risk management.

At this point 8topuz was officially created as an advanced automated risk management trading software solution.

And from 2016 our software has impressively produced consistent, audited ROI of between 3-4% per month.

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Q: What can we expect from 8topuz in the future?

A: 8topuz is constantly looking to make our software more intelligent and capable of analysing and adapting to situations that may be unexpected or rare.

We have a team of developers who are incorporating the latest machine learning algorithms to enhance the product and better protect investors while seeing a consistent stable and positive ROI.

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