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Below is our interview with Keith Loris, CEO at Sales Renewal:
Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to Sales Renewal?
A: Sales Renewal is a full service marketing agency that is reinventing small business marketing with The JointSourcing Solution™ (“joint venture” + “insourcing”), a complete, one-stop marketing solution. In JointSourcing, Sales Renewal provides a fully functional, self-managing marketing department: a full marketing team, all the needed technology plus a VP of Marketing (for management) and a CMO (for strategy). It pairs this insourced team with a shared risk & reward business model that aligns our and our client’s economic interests. JointSourcing is not a one-size-fits-all solution; instead it designs & implements custom marketing strategies that are designed to maximally grow revenue within each client’s budget realities.
Q: Who are the primary clients of Sales Renewal and what are some of the key challenges you are helping them solve?
A: JointSourcing works well for clients in any industry because the custom insourced team we assemble for each client is always deeply experienced in the client’s industry.
Their primary challenges, of course, are time and budgetary constraints.
Our Blueprint Process – the first step in our unique JointSourcing SolutionTM – allows clients to see and realize their big-picture growth goals. We guide them to select the most cost-effective strategies to reach those goals. Importantly, because we don’t have a vested interest in particular tactics, we’re not just recommending and implementing ‘cookie cutter’ solutions. Each Blueprint delivers a solution customized for that particular client.
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Q: Could you give us more insights into your JointSourcing SolutionTM?
A: Our marketing, technology, and content professionals essentially work as an extension of our client’s organization. In meetings and strategy sessions, we may work alongside sales personnel, frontline customer service employees, the owner or CEO, or all of the above. We also partner with our clients’ other vendors and providers to ensure they’re getting the biggest bang for their marketing budgets.
Rather than focusing on logging billable hours, we work collaboratively with our clients, literally sharing the risk and reward, as each decision and implementation affects Sales Renewal’s compensation just as it impacts the client’s bottom line.
That’s the beauty and biggest differentiator of JointSourcing (“joint venture + insourcing”). It delivers results for clients of all shapes, sizes, and industries. JointSourcing Solutions have proven equally effective for small businesses that simply don’t have time for marketing, medium-sized businesses without a fully staffed in-house marketing team, and larger companies that have gaps in expertise or bandwidth when they need to execute special projects, like new product rollouts or seasonal promotions. JointSourcing has been successfully implemented by a wide range of companies, including retailers, manufacturers, technical and professional services firms.
Q: What is unique about Sales Renewal and how does it stand out from competition?
A: Sales Renewal is a truly unique, full service marketing agency that is reinventing small business marketing with its complete, one-stop marketing solutions and groundbreaking business models and offerings that appeal to any size business:
1. The powerful, custom JointSourcing Solution that shares the risk and reward and has generated impressive results.
2. The Marketing Essentials Solution with its everything-you-need, all-inclusive-fixed-price approach
3. For firms that need pro-active assistance but do not need a complete, one-stop marketing solution, we also offer Flex Marketing which starts at only $500/month.
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Q: What are your plans for next six months?
A: It’s challenging for many professional services firms to market themselves effectively since closing any new business relies so heavily on trust and the relationship between the member of the firm and the prospect. Our Expertise Marketing approach and success with professional services firms has led many to seek out our help, and we expect this trend to continue over the next six months.
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