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phoenixNAP Provides Easier Access To High-Performing And Compliance-Ready Technologies For Improved Business Operations

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IT services provider, phoenixNAP was founded in 2009 in Phoenix, Arizona, where its flagship data center was opened in 2010. Constantly working to diversify its service offering and add new technologies to its portfolio, phoenixNAP grew to become a global IaaS provider that now counts 6 strategic data center locations in the US, Europe and Asia. Below is our interview with Ian McClarty, President at phoenixNAP:


Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to phoenixNAP?

A: PhoenixNAP’s service portfolio includes cutting-edge colocation, bare metal dedicated servers, hybrid cloud options, as well as backup and disaster recovery solutions. Constantly improving its services portfolio to meet the clients’ demands for reliable, secure and scalable solutions, phoenixNAP continues to add new product lines, which are intended to solve the challenges that modern businesses come across.

Providing its services and solutions on demand and with an opex model, phoenixNAP enables access to enterprise-class technology to medium-sized companies whose demand for powerful IT resources grows at a rapid pace. Providing security, flexibility, global connectivity and scalability of IT infrastructure, phoenixNAP enables companies of any size to increase their efficiency, grow internationally and run their business more successfully.

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Q: Who are the primary users of phoenixNAP and what are some of the key challenges you are helping them solve?

A: PhoenixNAP’s primary users are mid-market and enterprise-level companies that have a need for scalable IT solutions, or that are operating in industries with heavy compliance requirements around data security. Its clients come from a wider range of verticals including finance, media, medical and life sciences, gaming and real estate. Any company that has a need for advanced infrastructure solutions and that wants to scale its resources without investing much upfront can benefit from working with phoenixNAP. Even companies with sophisticated requirements in terms of platform configuration or service delivery can leverage technologies that phoenixNAP puts at their disposal.

By making its solutions opex-friendly, phoenixNAP provides easier access to high-performing and compliance-ready technologies to enable its clients to improve their business operations. It works with companies that need to supplement their IT and it does not aim to fully replace their in-house resources. It has developed a wide range of customizable and hybrid solutions, thus being able to provide tailor-made services and help its clients solve some specific challenges.

Q: You’ve recently added Carbonite Availability replication solution to your Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) portfolio; tell us something more?

A: The addition of Carbonite Availability represents a significant expansion of our DRaaS portfolio, mainly because it is focused on bare metal dedicated server environment. PhoenixNAP also works with Veeam and Zerto replication solutions, but Carbonite Availability improves on its ability to enhance DRaaS for bare metal-based infrastructure and has additional value in data migration capabilities.

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Q: What is unique about phoenixNAP and how does it stand out from competition?

A: One thing that has always been unique to phoenixNAP is the diversified product portfolio that enables a great variety of services to be implemented on any infrastructure. Our offer and our business model allows us to respond to different types of demands and create a solution that matches specific needs of each company.

We are now doing it on a global scale and this is something not many of our competitors can provide. With data centers in Ashburn, Atlanta, Phoenix (US), Amsterdam and Belgrade (Europe) and Singapore (Asia), we are covering strategic business hubs, providing unlimited connectivity and always-on data availability.

We are also heavily investing in our platform’s security and much of our recent efforts were focused into enabling a better level of protection for our clients. We added some important DDoS enhancement and data encryption technologies to better respond to the needs of compliance industries.

Building suitable cloud solutions and developing disaster recovery strategies and plans, backed with sound security and compliance focused services, we aim to provide our clients with partnership on a level which helps them utilize information technology as a business enablement tool and improve their ability to operate and compete.

Q: What are your plans for next four months?

A: In the next four months, we will be expanding our network services and further improving and enabling hybrid cloud deployments and inter-cloud connectivity. We are working to have new network carriers added as frequently as possible to ensure optimal connectivity across our services and supporting growing needs of our clients.

In addition to this, we will be launching a set of security-focused products that are intended to further enhance our clients’ data protection and offer them some new options. Understanding that every company has a different requirement when it comes to types of workloads to secure, we have been developing solutions that are ready to fulfill the market needs and focus on improving our customers operations.

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