Independent Swiss Asset Management company QCAM Currency Asset Management AG, delivers a customized and personalized service in Currency- and Asset Management. QCAM is regulated by Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission SEC. Below is our interview with Thomas Suter, CEO of QCAM Currency Asset Management AG:
Q: QCAM Currency Asset Management AG has remained on course for further expansion and the growth of Dynamic Currency Overlay and FX Execution; could you tell us something more?
A: In the challenging low-interest investment environment the currency market is increasingly gaining importance as an attractive alternative for institutional investors. As an investment firm with specialization and a longstanding experience in both currency management and asset management we are constantly working on new and innovative services and solutions for our institutional clients. Currently we are seeing large growth potential in the areas of dynamic currency overlay in general, and specifically for QCAM due to our status of independence and transparency. By recruiting internationally experienced specialists in this area we have further expanded our market position. Whilst passive overlay focuses on risk management, dynamic overlay aims, in addition, to simultaneously increase the yield of the portfolio – this is of importance to risk sensitive investors in particular.
The transparency in execution of currency transactions is another area in which QCAM uses its independence to the financial advantage of its clients. In the case of foreign exchange transactions small differences in price conditions can have a large impact on the costs, and hence on earnings. For the majority of market participants it is almost impossible to maintain a complete overview of all offers available in the market. In this respect independence and full transparency are key. With FX Best Execution QCAM helps to ensure the execution of transaction are at the best available market price. This offering has been delivering significant savings for our clients over the past years.
Q: What have been major milestones over the last 6 months?
A: After our successful office relocation to the City of Zug we have expanded and grown our operations. In 2017 QCAM has succeeded in recruited further internationally experienced FX specialists. With Markus Menzl (Currency Overlay), Anna Husman Zühlke (Operations & Investor Relations), Andrew Broadhurst (Business Development/Currency Overlay) and Andy Schümperli (Institutional Sales) QCAM has strengthened its position in key areas. We are very pleased about the enlargement of our team and the related gain of know-how and experience. We have also expanded on a service level. Following the event format “QCAM FX Day” we have also launched in 2017 the free and innovative WhatsApp-Service “QCAM FX NOW!” – which enables QCAM FX experts, who work right at the pulse of the markets, to compose and directly send messages to the subscribers in real time. A user survey conducted just five month after launch confirmed the significant practical benefits of the service with respect to daily investment decisions. Last but not least we have managed to win important new mandates in the institutional client segment. We consider this to be evidence of the reputation and trust we have built over time in our home market as well as abroad.
Q: What’s the best thing about QCAM that people might not know about?
A: We are a value-driven company in a genuine sense. „Independence“, „transparency“ and „integrity“ are not just plain words but the essence of our corporate culture and business behavior. What we are most proud of – we are a totally independent entity. Firstly from an equity point of view as our company is owned by the management and partners. Secondly we are completely independent from any other financial institution or other organisation. This is one of our key arguments towards clients. They can be assured to receive independent advice and solutions tailor made to their very specific needs. „Transparency“ is reflected in the auditability and accountability of our processes or remuneration.
Q: What are your plans for the near future?
A: The last quarter of a year has always been an eventful period. We will maintain our close observation of the markets and continue to monitor all relevant influencing factors such as geopolitical events. In November our team will be attending and participating at a series of specialized events in Switzerland, Germany and UK such as the Currency Overlay Convention in Frankfurt or the FX Week Conference in London. Professional events are the ideal platform for us to personally present our offerings and services to potential clients, to foster the exchange of experience with our partners and peers and pitch our strengths against the competition. We are confidently looking forward to the challenges in 2018.
Q: What do you find most interesting and rewarding in terms of running QCAM Currency Asset Management AG?
A: As a man of the early days who has followed the growth and development of our company my feeling of ownership goes far beyond just being a shareholder and CEO. We are living our culture in a very unpretentious way while pursuing highest standards of quality and compliance. We have always been cultivating a team spirit which leaves no place for any investment star cult. Like most of other companies in our industry we are facing a challenging future with a further increase in compliance requirements and pressure on profitability. This notwithstanding we maintain a positive outlook for our industry and our own future.
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