Liquid is a software analytics platform that allows developers to personalize their apps in real-time, without changing the code. Find out more from our talk with Alexandre Vaz, CEO of startup Liquid:
Q: Alexandre tell us your story and something more about Liquid?
Liquid was born out of frustration with the existing mobile analytics tools available in the market, which don’t offer sufficient user personalization and do not give publishers a full 360º view on what is going on in their apps.
Faber Ventures (product development house) and I got together in the autumn of last year since we believed we could do better and started developing a prototype to test that hypothesis. After proven right, the next obvious step was to create Liquid.
Q: Tell us something more about your main features? How is Liquid different?
A: The coolest main feature of Liquid is its personalization capabilities. After a very easy and quick integration, an app publisher can change any variable within the app that he wants to personlizalize for any segment or user in real-time, without changing the code. A few examples of personalisation could be to have different welcome screens depending on the user location, show a tutorial the next time a user opens the app in case he never used a specific functionality, or even giving different in-app offers based on weight of usage of each user.
We are also very proud of our analytics component since we created a one-stop shop mobile analytics platform that give publishers access to all app data, from users profile, sessions information, devices used and events done without the need to use another tool. Our segmentation engine is probably one of the most flexible in the market, since we allow users to mix profile with sessions and events data.
We also have other must have functionalities as are the cases of conversion funnels and push notifications.
Q: Tell us something more about your pricing?
A: Our pricing is based on tiers defined by the number of data points we received every month. We don’t charge by additional functionality. We have 7 tiers with the first being a free tier with no time and period limitation, that everybody can use. Plus, if you use our badge in your landing page, your free tier more than doubles.
Q: What can we expect from your team in next six months?
We have an extensive roadmap for Liquid. We will soon start working on a Windows Phone SDK so we can also support that platform. But the feature we are really excited has to do with the intelligence we are building on top of our platform. This feature will give app publishers personalization suggestions based on pre-defined goals (e.g. our algorithms would suggest what to do for each segment to increase avg session time).