Swell Systems, Inc is a Software as a Service (SaaS) provider which develops and maintains software applications using cloud computing, machine learning and artificial intelligence to automate and increase productivity for their users. They’ve recently released SWELLEnterprise, an all in one suite product for advertising, digital agencies and service based businesses. To find out more about their products we sat down with Derek Schmidt from Swell Systems:
Q: Derek, tell us something more about the company?
A: While developing the SWELLEnterprise all in one suite product, we had beta testers from different industries using the application. We received very promising responses from a variety of industries but what we found was that each industry had certain things that they would like SWELLEnterprise to do.
Since SWELLEnterprise was essentially developed for advertising, digital agencies and service based businesses, we decided to focus that product in that niche. SWELLEnterprise was developed as a scalable application so it allows us to develop similar cloud-based applications rather easily to meet the needs of other industries such as real estate as an example while maintaining the foundation of SWELLEnterprise which is to be a user-friendly application that contains all the features a business would need within one application at a fraction of the cost of other providers. SWELLEnterprise is the first product from SWELL Systems and one of many that we have coming down the pipeline.
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Q: Who are the primary users of SWELL Systems and what are some of the key challenges you are helping them solve?
A: Service based businesses will see a great benefit from using SWELL, specifically those in the advertising and digital agency space. Our users come from using several applications which do not talk with one another, leaving you to develop “bridges” between the software’s just for you to have your data in one place. More times than not, these break over time with updates or you need a specialized person to implement this and not everyone has that. We help our users keep their data in one location in an application that talks to itself and allows you to easily integrate with other third-party applications if you choose. Our goal is give everyone an option, if you are comfortable using your current accounting software then use it but if you want to save money and use our native module then you have that option.
Q: You’ve recently released SWELLEnterprise; could you tell us something more?
A: Absolutely but before I do I would like to tell you a bit about me and why SWELL was conceived. I have owned a digital agency since 2011. The more we grew the more difficult we found it to manage our projects, invoicing, emails, accounting and so on. SWELLEnterprise was developed out of a need we had in our own agency. A typical workday in our agency would mean our staff had several tabs open for our different applications such as Gmail, Dropbox, Slack, Freshbooks, Quickbooks, Basecamp, Insightly, Teamwork, Prosperworks and so on. We wanted an application that offered these tools under one roof. I am part of a few groups on Facebook for agency owners and I had asked everyone what apps they used daily in their business and we all had the same problem and similar workflows. That is when we decided to make SWELLEnterprise available to the public and I formed SWELL Systems, Inc.
Based on what we found there was nothing on the market that was an all-inclusive application or the ones we did find were very expensive, did not offer everything we needed or would bring you in at a low introductory price only to charge you extra down the road for additional features, custom fields or data limits. This is when we decided to develop our own application. Once we started on the concepts and development we found that there was a huge opportunity to an underserved market and we decided to branch off and start SWELL Systems, Inc and launch our first product SWELLEnterprise. We use SWELLEnterprise daily in our agency and I can’t tell you how convenient it is to have these things under one roof and we have even integrated the lead gen forms on our website to automatically import those submissions as leads in SWELL through our API. It has saved us so much time and we are closing more business now because we are much more productive. One of my favorite features is for example scheduling emails and using email templates to on-board clients and automate follow-ups. Another great feature is the ability to see when prospects and clients view their invoices, estimates and proposals so our sales team knows when to connect with them.
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Q: Can you give us more insights into your software?
A: SWELLEnterprise provides businesses with an affordable all-in-one solution that will increase their team’s productivity, allow them to make informed business decisions and save them thousands of dollars in subscription fees which directly impact their bottom line. Some examples of this are invoicing, proposals and estimates where you can see when clients view, accept and reject these. Sales teams and project managers also can create and assign leads, opportunities, projects, tasks and their teams can use our time tracker to track time spent on projects and turn that time into invoices. The more a business uses SWELL the more data it collects which allows our software to use machine learning which will predict things like profit and loss, find similar leads based on clients they are already working with, set important tasks like follow-up reminders and periodic check-ins and monitor employee performance. As more businesses use SWELL, the software will begin to predict which areas they use most and use this data to easily onboard new companies from their industry based on the features they are most likely to use and how they will use them.
Q: What milestones can we expect from you over the next 12 months?
A: We have some very great things coming down the pipeline. Some that I am not able to get too specific on just yet but I will share with you what I can say. For one, we are building out our accounting module which will allow users to eliminate the need for a third-party accounting platform or allow them to integrate directly with the platform they currently use. This is to provide value to our users so that they can continue to operate their businesses from within one application without the need to constantly bounce back and forth between tabs in their browser.
This leads me into our next big announcement, the more info you put into SWELL the more it can learn about your business. As I mentioned previously, the machine learning is a big part of what SWELL will do for businesses. Having started my own business in 2011, I found that it would have been very helpful to have something like an assistant that could help automate tasks, schedule meetings but most importantly let me know what to do next or what I may not be doing in my business. For example, imagine that you have a bottom line of $50,000 a month that we pay out in expenses. Our application will monitor your growth rate and inform you if you are close to not reaching your danger zone and what needs to change for you to remain profitable. Maybe that means touching base with some old clients you have not talked to in a while. Perhaps there are even some expenses you could cut or a team member who is consistently not meeting their deadlines. SWELL will help a business owner make informed decisions so they continue to grow.
Lastly, we have been working with an integration that allows our users to use services such as Google Assistant, Siri and Alexa so they can use their voice features on their mobile devices and home devices to interact with our application. This eliminates the need for manual data entry because our users can simply speak these commands to their devices and have that information available to them in SWELLEnterprise. It is much easier for me to pick up my phone and say, “Tell SWELL to create a lead for John Doe and create a task to send John Doe and estimate next week”. So not only will we be saving our users money on their bottom line, but now we are giving them back their most valuable asset which is time.
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