YouMail is a smart replacement for carrier’s voicemail that focuses on making you more productive. The YouMail app is an automated virtual receptionist – almost as good as the human receptionist you’ve always wanted to handle your calls, but at a fraction of the cost.
Below is our recent interview with Alex Quilici, CEO of YouMail:
Q: Alex, how would you describe YouMail in your own words?
A: The YouMail app is an automated virtual receptionist – almost as good as the human receptionist you’ve always wanted to handle your calls, but at a fraction of the cost. It essentially answers the calls you don’t, focusing on making you more productive and delighting your callers.
For example, YouMail automatically filters out unwanted calls, by convincing telemarketers, debt collectors and scammers that your line is out of service, so you don’t waste time by picking up those calls. YouMail also instantly handles, routes, and responds to important callers, memorably greeting them by name, giving them a great experience even when you’re simply too busy to answer the phone yourself. Additionally, every YouMail user gets a working conference line, and YouMail groups calls automatically, which eliminates all of the hassles of using other conference services.
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Q: What advantage does YouMail have over its competitors?
A: The primary alternative to YouMail is carrier voicemail. However, carrier voicemail focuses on taking a message, and maybe transcribing it. It doesn’t try to improve your productivity or give your callers a customized and memorable experience that delights them. That’s why so many people simply hang up when they reach your voicemail – they get a bad experience, and figure you’ll never bother listening to their message or calling them back.
Instead, YouMail’s features allow callers to interact with the service much like how they’d interact with a receptionist. With personalized greetings, one-button call routing, automatic replies, and more, every missed caller receives a custom experience. Personalization ensures that missed calls don’t lead to missed business.
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Q: Can you give us more insights into your features?
A: There are really two tiers of YouMail service: free and paid.
The free service focuses on the features that a normal, everyday consumer would want from a receptionist who is handling their calls: filtering out and stopping unwanted calls, personally greeting callers, taking messages and delivering them to whatever device a person has (not just their phones), and automatically replying with a text message that can collect contact information from the missed callers.
The paid service provides the professional version of these features: professionally greeting callers with a personalized, custom recording; and routing callers to assistants and colleagues. The professional version also automatically replies to missed callers with a digital business card, which provides them with other ways to contact you, and also directing them to a mobile landing page where they can do things like make appointments, explore your services, and more.
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Q: Could you tell us more about your pricing plans?
A: YouMail’s free service is well, free, forever! YouMail Professional is $12/month (or $120/year).
Q: What milestones can we expect from you over the next 12 months?
A: One of our most interesting milestones is that in the past 12 months, we’ve answered calls from over 125 million different people. We fully expect to cross the 150 million mark in the next 6 months, and have a shot at hitting 200 million. When you think about it, that’s an enormous number of people that have experienced YouMail!
Another milestone is that we’ve stopped over 500 million robocalls in the past year, and we fully expect to cross the billion level within the next month.
With every stopped robocall we add to a growing wealth of data on where, when and how those calls are made. And now that the FCC has moved robocalls to the top of their agenda, this information could prove to be very important for US consumers.
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