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Meet Universal Ibogaine – Canadian Company Poised To Address The Opioid Epidemic Through Proven Plant Medicine

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Below is our recent interview with Jeremy Weate, CEO of Universal Ibogaine:

Q: Could you provide our readers with a brief introduction to Universal Ibogaine?

A: Universal Ibogaine is a Vancouver-based company that plans to go public on the Toronto Stock Exchange later this year. We will shortly be filing our prospectus with the TSE. Our focus is on providing ibogaine-based therapy for people suffering from substance addiction. To open ibogaine therapy clinics in Canada, we have to put the molecule through clinical trials with Health Canada. We will be submitting our Clinical Trial Application towards the end of Q1 2021. Meanwhile, we will be opening ibogaine therapy clinics where the molecule is already legal, such as the Bahamas.

Q: What is your mission?

A: Our stated mission statement is “To treat the roots of addiction effectively using ibogaine and other psychedelic medicines.” At present, if you have an Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) the status quo treatment option is to put you on an opioid maintenance drug like methadone or suboxone. While this takes the criminal supply out of the picture and allows people to stabilise their lives to a degree, it’s still replacing an addiction with chemical handcuffs and doesn’t allow people to flourish as autonomous loving and responsible citizens. Harm reduction as currently devised is not freedom for those in addiction.

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Q: Can you give us more insights into your solution?

A: The efficacy of ibogaine to ensure there is withdrawal free detox from opiates has been shown in many credentialed journals through observational studies. For instance, in a 2018 paper by Benjamin Malcolm, 78% of study participants did not have clinically objective signs of withdrawal 48 hours after the consumption of ibogaine. This is the scientific corollary of the miracle of ibogaine. From the standpoint of someone chained to methadone or Oxycontin, it feels impossible to ever be free from the drug. Ibogaine is not a panacea and its benefits should not be overstated, but from the perspective of allowing people to unchain themselves from a substance use disorder, there’s nothing remotely like it.

To ensure the benefits of ibogaine treatment are locked in and give our clients a fighting chance of a life free from addiction, we combine medically-supervised ibogaine provision with pre-treatment therapy and holistic aftercare.

Q: What’s the best thing about Universal Ibogaine that people might not know about?

A: That board member Dr Alberto Sola has already treated over 3,500 clients at Clear Sky Recovery Cancun, with not a single fatality. This is living proof that with the appropriate medical supervision, ibogaine therapy is perfectly safe and effective.

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Q: What can we expect from Universal Ibogaine in next 6 months?

A: We will be a public company with an attractive stock thanks to beginning life both in drug development and with a growing revenue business thanks to our clinics in the Bahamas and elsewhere.

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